A million things to love about Ashlee Wheeler....
Ok, I probably shouldn't write down a million things, even though there really are a million. Here is a much shorter list.
1. Ashlee is cute.
2. Ashlee is an amazing friend.
3. Ashlee ALWAYS feels the need to include others.
4. Ashlee loves Jesus... a lot.
5. Ashlee still loves people that do mean things to her.
6. Ashlee is cute.
7. Ashlee helps me study for tests.
8. Ashlee listens to me when I need to talk.
9. Ashlee talks to me when I need to listen.
10. Ashlee hugs me and says nothing at all, when nothing needs to be said.
11. Ashlee thinks more than I do.
12. Ashlee is cute.
13. Ashlee likes to plan parties.
14. Ashlee likes to invite me to the parties she plans.
15. Ashlee invites cute boys to these parties.... hee hee
16. Ashlee loves the Bible.
17. Ashlee loves to make other people love the Bible.
18. Ashlee's middle name is Rose :-)
19. Ashlee is cute
20. Ashlee loves Somalis.
21. Ashlee loves Kenyans.
22. Ashlee loves Arabs.
23. Ashlee loves Chinese.
24. Ashlee loves Indians.
25. Ashlee loves Nigerians.
26. Ashlee loves a lot of people....
27. Ashlee can make a mean meatloaf.
28. Ashlee shares her meatloaf.
29. Ashlee is cute.
30. Ashlee tells you when she thinks you are wrong.
31. Ashlee still loves you when you are wrong.
Okay, that will do for today. Please feel free to add to my list as you deem necessary...
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