Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bible Tag... You're It!

When I was in college, my lovely roommate and I took a few painfully boring classes together. So... we started playing Bible Verse Tag. We would flip through the Bible and find random verses that, when taken completely out of context, are absolutely hilarious. Then we would scribble the refrence on a piece of paper and pass it back and forth, trying to make one another laugh aloud in class. It is extremely important that you specify the version that you are passing along, or a lot of humor could be lost. Here are a few:

Be merciful to me, O God, for men hotly puruse me. All day long they press their attack. - Psalm 56:1 NIV

An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips - Prov. 24:26 NIV

Of making books, there is no end, and too much study is weary to the body - Ecc. 12:12 NIV

If I found you outside, I would kiss you, and no one would despise me. - Song of Solomon 8:1 NIV

Are you starting to get the picture? Some may say my little game is sacreligous, but hey... I know more verses than I would if I didn't play...

Do you have any fun ones to add???
